3 Reasons You Need A Teacher To Help You Learn To Play Guitar
by Maurice Richard
Learning how to play guitar is not an easy thing to do for the large majority of people.
Not only are there physical problems to overcome and coordinate in the beginning it is easy to try and learn things that are much too complicated and above your abilities.
This is actually quite common and is a major cause of why many people quit learning to play guitar. You do not want that to happen to you.
Here are 3 reasons why you should find a professionally trained guitar teacher so you can successfully learn how to play guitar and enjoy it for the rest of your life

1. They Know How To Teach You To Do What You Want To Do
​Seems obvious right? I mean if someone is going to teach you guitar they should know more than you and of course all guitar teachers will.
There is no shortage of skill from guitar teachers in my area and I am sure from yours too. The problem is that many of these people have a hard time getting you from where you are to where they are.
They do not know how to teach you to play the same thing. They can play it, they can demonstrate it, they can TAB it out, but you won't necessarily be able to play it because some things are not easy to explain.
This is where they get stuck and do not know how to get you to the destination. They are not trained on how to bridge the gaps between a beginner's abilities and theirs.
2. They Know How To Teach Actual People Not Just Music​
​Why is this important? Because you are an individual.
Most guitar teachers out there do not teach that way. If you go online, buy books or DVD's or even find a local teacher to help you, most if not all of them will teach everyone exactly the same way.
What happens if you don't learn things well that way? What happens if you do not fit the mold? Usually what happens is people do not have success and they quit and end up thinking they do not have what it takes.
The best teachers will identify your learning style and find ways to teach you concepts so that you understand them. They will have a lot of patience for you and anyone who may struggle to learn things on guitar.
Teaching you stuff is only a small part of the equation. If your teacher can't get you to understand and use the stuff, then it's all in vain. That's why finding the right guitar teacher is critical to your success.
3. They Know The Right Things And The Right Time To Teach Them
You may think this is obvious right? And it should be. However, most guitar teachers do not know what things to teach or when the best time for them is (you can tell because they ask you whan you want to learn).
That's because most of them know how to play really well but have never been trained on the best way to teach guitar. Just because someone can play well does not mean they learned it the best way either.
As a matter of fact, most people who teach themselves to play do it by sheer persistence, not because they figure out easier or better ways. They just get good at doing it the harder way.
Wouldn't it be better to learn how to play guitar by learning the right things at the right time, so that you can constantly progress and reach all of your playing goals faster?
I think so! Finding a trained guitar teacher is the key to getting the best instruction and getting you the best and fastest results.

Learning To Play Guitar Is Not Easy So Find A professional To Help You
The guitar is definitely not the easiest musical instrument to learn to play so why leave it to chance or to untrained guitar teachers?
Yes, it is possible that you could learn to play guitar without a local teacher. Many people have done it. If you ask them most will tell you they spent countless hours to do it.
You only have so much time, energy and money. Instead of trying to do it the hard way using the trial and error method, does it not make more sense to invest it in the right teacher so that you can get the best and fastest results from your investment?
I regret not making that decision myself when I first started to learn. I wasted 10 long years trying to do it myself. I can't get those back. Don't make the same mistake.
About The Author:
Maurice Richard is a professional guitar teacher that operates out of the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He has been a member of an elite guitar teaching mentorship program since 2007 and has taught many people how to learn to play guitar.
© Maurice Richard Music. All rights reserved.